How To Play Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls
Place the bowl symmetrically on its rubber ring. This helps to keep the bowl steady without dampening the vibration. Run the suede or ball stick around the outside (not inside) of the rim gently, evenly and with a firm pressure and the bowl will start to resonate. If you are producing jarring or rough tones you are moving the stick too quickly or using incorrect pressure against the rim. Excessive force or speed will produce unpleasant sounds and could damage a bowl even to the point of shattering. Never play a bowl so fast that the outer rim becomes blurred. On rare occasions and not always for any apparent reason quartz bowls have been known to shatter while they are being played. All quartz bowls are susceptible to this. It is wise to insure your bowl on your household insurance.Golden Rules
Never play the bowl with excessive force Do not hit the bowl with the stick. Tap lightly if you need to. Carry it with your arms around it to protect it from walls and furniture. Keep your bowls a foot apart from each other when playing. Do not play a very large bowl in a very tiny room. Play on the outside of the rim and not on the inside. Playing on the inside appears to increase the stress placed on the bowl. Because shattering is a possibility never place your head in the bowl when it is resonating or place the bowl on top of someone when playing.Clockwise or Anti-Clockwise?
Playing the bowl in an anti-clockwise fashion brings in the feminine energy. It is best for you and anyone in the proximity of the bowl if you don't play it for longer than 15 - 20 minutes at a stretch. A 15 minute break is recommended to ensure that the energy field is not overloaded and everyone has a chance to assimilate the changes. The player often forgets that they are also receiving an energy treatment. Always have the highest intention in your mind at the outset of playing as the bowl becomes an extension of you while you play it.
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